Strategy vs Tactics
thinking beyond the battle

As a business owner it's easy to get bogged down in the day to day running of your business.
The idea of strategic thinking vs tactical thinking might seem more like something that somebody else does.
Somebody with more time, less problems and more money.
Don't be fooled. Anyone can think strategically as long as they understand their competitors and their clients, which lets face it you as a business owner already have an excellent idea of.
Strategical vs Tactical Thinking is Simple.
Strategic thinking in business, is as simple as: Action aimed at expansion with the knowledge of how the opposition will react.
Knowing what they will do (be it one action or a multiple choice of reactions) and having your next move, based on their possible reaction, planned and ready for implementation.
Whilst at the same time continuing your initial action aimed at expansion.
Tactical thinking would be that which is more immediate. EG Sales team meeting targets. Production schedules maintained. # of New Customers.
Tactical thinking is crucial to achieving expansion.
In a world where everybody only uses tactical thinking, expansion would not be a problem. Everyone would just be getting on with their own thing. Or would they?
What happens when your competitor considers your business a hump in the road to their own success. When they decide to implement some strategical thinking!
How easy would it be for your opposition to expand and grow bigger than your business? Is it possible for them to get your clients to move across to them? Would your business survive this?
Fool Proof Expansion
Before we go on, lets establish that no matter how tough business gets there is one foolproof way to weather any storm.
Flourish and prosper!
How you flourish and prosper is up to you and your abilities. Whether you're a plumber or a finance house, the key to flourishing and prospering are your clients!
As long as you have clients you stand a chance.
Achieving that requires marketing and advertising. Getting the word out. Get it out in a great enough volume so that the demand for your product exceeds all other demands.
So regardless of whether you live a charmed existance or battle the opposition every day, one thing is key. Never stop your marketing and advertising.
It is the one thing that will keep you going regardless of what is going on behind the scenes.
Thinking Ahead
I've heard of some pretty crazy experiences that people have gone through in business. Competitors, suppliers, partners. You name it.
The stories about what people do to each other in business are sure to remove the rose coloured glasses in a hurry.
It all boils down to opposition. And as a business owner, sooner or later you're going to run into it. Chances are also good you're not always going to come out the victor.
Here's where strategic thinking plays a big role. The ability to look beyond the battle.
Strategic thinking is the knowledge of how the opposition will behave.
Knowing what they will do (be it one action or a multiple choice of reactions) and having your next move, based on their possible reaction, planned and ready for implementation.
Whilst at the same time continuing your initial action aimed at expansion.
When opposition occurs, either overtly or covertly. Handle the emergency.
But also find out what your weakness was.
Remedy it, but dont just stop there.
Also look at what it took for the opposition to make that move.
You might discover they put themselves at risk in the process.
Ask yourself if it's possible to maximize your expansion because of their momentary weakness.
As the old folks say. Tomorrow is another day.
Make sure your business is around to see it.
Conclusion - He Who Remains Standing Longest is The Victor
In summary
- Expect opposition
- Know your opposition
- Safeguard your position
- Make sure you have a business to come back to - never risk it all.
- Your clients are king.
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